Asset Monitoring

What is it?

It allows you to locate fixed assets and increase personnel safety. With smart beacons, employees can more easily navigate the campus and find specific goods, vehicles or tools.

For whom?

▪︎ Industry
▪︎ Manufacturing
▪︎ Logistics


▪︎ locating assets on an ongoing basis with high accuracy
, ▪︎ automated real-time stock-taking
, ▪︎ improving the utilization rate of shared assets
, ▪︎ preventing losses and theft
, ▪︎ generating data that constitutes evidence in legal cases
, ▪︎ increased productivity
, ▪︎ lower maintenance costs.

Options and features

Locating assets, equipment and tools – in a dynamic and long-term manner.

Locating the people moving around the plant between designated zones without using cameras (people counter, traffic/load/safety/evacuation).
  • Control

    Artificial intelligence

    Automatic analysis of video recordings allows machines to detect irregularities in the area captured by the camera (e.g. security incidents, violations of occupational health and safety policies, or a decrease in production quality).

    Learn more
  • Control

    Asset monitoring

    It allows you to locate fixed assets and increase personnel safety. With smart beacons, employees can more easily navigate the campus and find specific goods, vehicles or tools.

  • Support

    Augmented reality

    It is a system that combines the real world with a virtual, digital, computer-generated world.

  • Training

    Virtual reality

    It is an image of artificial reality created using information technology – a computer vision of objects, spaces and events.